Due to the way images are served, it can take time for a replaced image to update on all pages where it's displayed online.
We use a CDN - Content Delivery Network. A content delivery network makes copies of the content - in this case images - and saves them on servers all around the country (and world). These are very fast.
Since the CDN makes a copy of the image, it may not have the latest copy of that image when the content changes.
Changing the CDN Version adds an extra url parameter to images to bust the old images cached by the CDN. In most cases, changing the CDN version will cause all images on the site to reload fresh. This is useful in cases where watermarks or replaced images are not updating properly.
To change CDN number:
- from FASO Control Panel
- click Gear icon (top right corner)
- click Account Settings
- click Other Advanced Odds and Ends
- scroll down
- for cdn version, change value
We suggest using the following naming convention YearMonthDayandaletter
e.g. 20250101abc - click Save Changes
If you have a Free Account or just need to change the CDN on one image:
- from FASO Control Panel
- click Artwork icon (upper row)
- click on thumbnail to edit the image
- scroll down and click Show Advanced Commerce Settings
- for cdn version, change value
We suggest using the following naming convention YearMonthDayandaletter
e.g. 20250101abc - click Save Changes