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Export Artwork Info as .CSV File

Comma-Delimited File (CSV)

You can export a document containing the details of all art listed in your Artwork Portfolio using Excel (for example). This may come in handy as a way to inventory your work or provide a list to a gallery.
  • from FASO account control panel
  • click Artwork icon (top row)
  • click Export your works to comma-delimited file

The csv file exported and created on your computer will contain data such as Title, Medium, Substrate, Price, etc. down through the Description about the artwork.

It will not include the image.

You can choose to add a new column to your .csv file and enter the images into the new column cells if need be.

A comma-delimited file (comma-separated values or CSV file) is a file that contains data items delimited (to fix or define the limits of) using commas.

A CSV file is simply a document containing text info (not images).

If you wish to download images from your website to your computer, please see this FAQ:
How do I download an image from my site?

Issue with .csv files when using Google Chrome

Chrome has changed the way it handles downloads and is not allowing FASO to specify the file name.

Chrome will save your document as an .asp file, instead of as a .csv. The simplest way around this is to use Mozilla Firefox as your browser. 

Click here for a free download of Firefox.

If you do not want to use Firefox, here are 2 workarounds.

In both cases you download the .asp file. Then change the extension from .asp to .csv.

Option 1

  • from FASO account control panel
  • click on Artwork icon
  • click on Export your works to comma-delimited file
  • click on Export.asp (bottom left corner)
  • save file
  • rename Export.asp as Export.csv
  • open Export.csv

Option 2

  • from FASO account control panel
  • click on Artwork icon
  • click on Export your works to comma-delimited file
  • click on Export.asp (bottom left corner)
  • go to your Downloads folder
  • highlight the name to change the extension to .csv
  • click on the document to open it

The Export.asp file will open without columns.
The renamed file, Export.csv, will open with columns intact.

NOTE: Once you download the file, finding its location on your hard drive will depend upon your operating system and your internet browser 

Using Chrome or Safari, it will export to your Downloads folder.

Firefox will give you the option to download or open with ... (whatever 'spreadsheet  software' your device uses, i.e. excel, numbers, microsoft office, etc.). Firefox may not give you an option where to download. If that is the case then Firefox will also export it to your Downloads folder. 

For info on downloading your Email Newsletter Subscriber list to a .csv file, please see this FAQ:
Export Subscriber List to CSV File


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