You can choose to track your visits on your website.
Here's how to mark your IP address with your name to keep track of your visits to your site:
- FASO Control Panel
- click Analytics icon (upper row)
- click Detailed
- click Visitors (just to the right of Dashboard)
- click on your Internet Service Provider (IS) name
- review visitor detail to be sure this is you
- to the right of Unique ID, click Tag
- add preferred name in the box to the right of Name
- decide on these two options:
Do not log visits from this IP / IUD
Global - Apply to all sites in your account (recommended).
(Otherwise, it will only apply to this specific site.)
- click Submit to save changes
NOTE: IP addresses can change fairly often, so an IP address is not a 100% reliable means of keeping track of your visits or those of other visitors.