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What to Do First When Joining FASO

Feeling a bit lost? Here's an overview of how to get started.

In a 12-minute video, learn to open a FASO account* and get started on your new artist website.


While watching the video, click on the bookmark icon, bottom right, to jump to the various topics, called “Chapters.”  Click on the Chapter you want, X out of that pop-up and resume play. You can also just click on the green dots in the timeline below the video too, to jump to another topic.


 Jen Misspoke:

It's a “shopping cart ” icon, not a “shopping center.” (Wishful thinking perhaps?)

The Preview icon is in the upper LEFT (not the upper right). 


* It's Wise to Avoid These Mistakes:

  1. Had a FASO account in the past? Let us reactivate it rather than open a new one.     
    (Unintentional extra accounts can cause confusion for you as well as our Support Team.) :~o  
  2. In your Password, don't use odd characters - "-&#$%©@ - it’ll wreak havoc.     
  3. For Username, never use the @ sign, an email address or your account number. 

Here are the text-based FAQs for when you're new

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