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How many domains can I register? What is the cost?

All FASO Membership Plans include a discounted domain name; billed at $10 yearly or $0.84 monthly.

Generally most artists register a single domain. 

However you can choose to register as many domains as you would like. 

Each additional domain is billed automatically at the rate of $20 yearly.

Beginning February 15th, 2025 the price of the first domain will be $14/year ($1.16/month).

Additional domains (charged annually) will be $28/year.

We recommend registering the following as your main domain:

  • yourname.com

if yourname.com is not available, consider the following suggestions:

  • yournameart.com
  • yournamefineart.com
  • artistyourname.com

NOTE: There is absolutely no reason to include faso (the faso business name) in the personal domain name that you register.

Artists may have various reasons for registering multiple domains. For example:

  • if your name is hard to spell, register common misspellings of your name
  • if you have a common name, register domains like yournameart.com, yournamefineart.com yournameartist.com, yournameoilpainter.com, etc.
  • if you have a specific business name associated with your art, register that
  • some artists choose to register anything and everything that is remotely close to their Main Domain name
  • some people are also considered 'collectors' of domains and just like having lots of domains

All domains registered through your FASO account control panel will automatically direct visitors to your one FASO website.

The first domain registered (or pointed) to your account will be listed as Main Domain unless you request otherwise.

Also see this FAQ:
How to Redirect Multiple Domains to Your Main Domain


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