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How do I add my website address to my Contest entry?

To list your website on your contest entry, simply add your website address to your Artist Quick Facts Page.

If you are a FASO member:

  • Log in to FASO control panel
  • click on About the Artist (left column)
  • click Edit Artist Quick Facts (top left)
  • for Main Web Site field, enter your domain name
    (see screenshot)
  • Save Changes

NOTE: we recommend that you fill out as much info as possible on the Edit Artist Quick Facts page.

The information you add to this page plus the content on your About the Artist page will be used for your Informed Collector feature should you be selected as a contest award winner.

If you have a Free Contest Entry Only account:

  • Log into your control panel
  • click on Your Artist Fact Sheet (left column)
  • for Main Web Site field, enter your domain name
  • Save Changes

NOTE: we recommend that you fill out as much info as possible on the Your Artist Fact Sheet page as well as add content to your Artist Bio screen.

The information you enter will be automatically added to your BoldBrush Magazine feature should you be selected as a contest award winner.


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