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BoldBrush Artful Alerts - Promote Mode

Email notifications of your art can be sent even if you don't upload new work

Historically, our Get BoldBrush Artful Art Alerts feature only sent a notification to your followers if you uploaded new work.

Now, your collectors can still receive an email with your art no matter what. This happens automatically (if you enable it).

Timing - the Scoop

BoldBrush Artful Alerts Promote Mode uses an algorithm to promote your older works, keeping your art "top of mind" with your fans... even if you upload nothing new.

The algorithm sends out art alerts of your older pieces roughly every 2 weeks.
It can range from 6-20 days or so; our system uses many variables to maximize engagement with your art & increase marketing leads for you.

How to Enable

  • Login to your FASO Control Panel
  • Click the gear icon, top right, for Your Account Settings
  • Click Account Settings

  • Click Settings (under General Settings)
  • Under Marketing, find New Art Alert Promote Mode
  • Click Edit

  • Check Yes
  • Click Save Setting


Here's a sample of a BoldBrush Artful Alert (aka Art Alert):

(Want to exclude an artwork? Click here for how to change the Visibility)

Wisdom from the "Powers that Be" 

Our system may include your Sold work when sending these artful alerts. Here's why, paraphrased from Clint Watson, FASO Founder/CEO:

Your sold pieces can generate interest, even 'urgency' as they show that your work is in demand. Hence, it's recommended that you include your Sold artworks - with their red dots - with your available art.  Then collectors are more likely to buy... 

Click for an article by Clint Watson re using sold works as pillar paintings.

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