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Assign Artwork to Collections

First, you'll need to set up your collections.
See this FAQ for how to:
How to Group your Artwork into Collections

There are multiple ways to assign images to a collection: 

  • Use Edit all Artworks screen
  • Use Add/Edit Collections screen
  • Use Individual Artwork editing screen

Use Edit all Artworks screen

  • click Artwork icon (upper row)
  • click Edit all Artworks

  • in Collection column, click drop down arrow
  • select the collection
  • repeat for each additional artwork
  • click Update

NOTE: There is no way to move images from one collection to another in one smooth bulk move. Best time-saver option is to use this Edit all Artworks screen.

Use Add/Edit Collections screen

  • click Artwork icon (upper row)
  • click Add/Edit Collections

  • Click blue pencil Edit button (to the right of a collection)
  • Click the Add Artworks button

Only images NOT already assigned to a collection will be displayed.

  • Click on an image to select it
  • Repeat for each additional image
  • Click Ok
  • Click Save (upper left corner)
  • repeat for each collection

Use Individual Artwork editing screen

  • click Artwork icon (upper row)
  • click on thumbnail of an artwork to access editing screen
  • for Collection field, click down arrow
  • select collection
  • click Save Changes
  • repeat for each image

Add an Image to Multiple Collections

It is not possible to assign one single image to multiple collections.
The only way to add artwork to multiple collections is to upload the same image again for each collection.


  • You have a Landscape painted with oil and you have set up Collections for both Landscapes and Oil Paintings.
    Upload the image of the painting twice, assign one image to Landscape Collection and the 2nd image to the Oil Collection.

IMPORTANT: if the exact same piece is assigned to separate collections and is sold from one of the collections, the other image, assigned to the 2nd collection, will still show as Available for Purchase! Be sure to manually mark that item as sold!

  • You have a piece that is available as the original painting and as a reproduction print.
    You have set up Collections for both Originals and for Prints.
    Upload the image of the painting twice, assign one image to Originals Collection and the 2nd image to the Prints Collection.
    NOTE: It is helpful to alter the title, like so:
    "Pear with Apple ~ Original"
    "Pear with Apple ~ Print"

Once you set up and use collections, we recommend that all art be assigned to a collection. Any artwork not assigned to a collection will not display on your website.


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