Recently Added Subscribers
If you recently added new subscribers, be aware that there is a lag time before they will be added to Cakemail, our newsletter provider's database.
If you wish to send a newsletter soon after adding new subscribers you can perform a synch to better ensure that the newsletter is sent to all subscribers.
- from FASO account
- click Newsletter icon (upper row)
- click Subscribers (left column)
- click View inactive subscribers (upper right - below Active Subscribers)
- click Advanced List Maintenance Functions
- click Click here to resync your mailing list
You can also click on See what active FASO Addresses are not active on Cakemail. Scroll to the bottom to see any emails that are not active on Cakemail meaning they will not receive your newsletter.
Locate the Email Address
If one of your subscribers informs you that they are not receiving your newsletter, then your newsletter was sent to the email address shown in your subscriber list unless their email address is listed in one of the following sections:
- Inactive
- Malformed
- Unsubscribed
- Deleted
- Spam Reports
To access the above screen:
- from FASO account
- click Newsletter icon (upper row)
- click Subscribers (left column)
- click View inactive subscribers (upper right - below Active Subscribers)
Their spam filter settings on their computer or device may also be a cause of the issue.
Some email providers have a filter setting that automatically junks HTML emails with images. This would include your newsletter as it is HTML (which it must be in order to include formatting and images).
Unfortunately there aren't any changes you can make on your end to prevent your newsletter being classified as spam for certain subscribers.
You may want to consider sending a personal follow up email (not a newsletter) to those who say they did not receive your newsletter and ask them to check their spam folder.
If they find your newsletter in their Spam Folder, they can mark it as Not Spam. Future newsletters should then be received in their In-Box.
Your subscribers can also Whitelist your email address by adding your email to their list of Contacts.
Previously Unsubscribed
If your subscriber previously unsubscribed from your newsletter and then re-subscribes they will not receive your newsletter.
The email address will appear as subscribed on our end, but is not at our provider’s end. Once someone unsubscribes, our newsletter provider suppresses any further emails in order to avoid sending unwanted emails to someone who already unsubscribed.
In order to be re-subscribed, your subscriber will need to request to be re-added by sending us an email consenting to be resubscribed.
We will then forward their request to our newsletter provider.
Temporary block from recipient's ISP on receiving email
If you are getting this message, it usually indicates a temporary block and the newsletter should ultimately be delivered.
If you notice that the subscribers all have apple email address, this is most likely an Apple issue. Apple sometimes tends to block email coming from our IP address. If this is the case, our newsletter software provider, Cakemail, suggests that you ask your subscribers to add your email to their contact list to whitelist the email address.

FYI, The nature of email is that it is not always consistent nor 100% reliable, hence not as dependable as we all would like to believe. Many times if and how a newsletter is received depends on variables that you, the sender, have no control over.