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Shipping Override - What it is and How it is Used

Use the Shipping Amount Override feature to adjust the shipping cost on a particular item.

When you attach PayPal or Stripe to your FASO site and add shipping charges using Percentage, per this doc, How to Add Shipping and Handling Chargesyou may run into a situation where you need to use the Shipping Amount Override feature in order to adjust the shipping cost on a particular item.

Let's say you have set shipping at 15% of the sale price for your paintings. Then you add a book, a DVD or perhaps a set of Greeting Cards and decide that the 15% shipping cost is inadequate. Simply override the 15% by using the Shipping Amount Override option.

Here's how:

  • from FASO control panel
  • click Artwork icon (top row)
  • click on the image (left column) that needs the override or the word edit (right column)
  • click Show Advanced Commerce Settings  (bottom of page - lower left)

  • add either
    (1) a dollar amount to the Shipping Amount Override field
    (2) add a number for percentage to the Shipping Discount Percent override field

    Use one or the other, Not Both.
    The field not being used needs to be set at 0.
  • Save Changes

Remove Shipping from One Item

If you have set shipping at 15% of the sale price and offer an online tutorial, for example, you can add 100 to the Shipping Discount Percent field to ensure that no shipping will be charged when someone purchases the online course.

Shipping Amount Override can be used to increase shipping charges for larger pieces or lower the shipping charges for smaller items such as cards or DVDs.

Shipping Amount Override cannot be used with Custom PayPal Buttons.


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