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Newsletter Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Not Receiving Newsletter Test

    Sending yourself a test of an email newsletter draft is an important part of the Newsletter process. This is...

  2. Test Email Cannot Be Sent Due to the Following Error - no list id

    If you receive this error when sending a Newsletter Test  TEST EMAIL CANNOT BE SENT DUE TO THE FOLLOWING...

  3. Cannot Edit Newsletter Text due to Outdated Version of Windows

    If you are attempting to type (or copy and paste) text into a newsletter and the software is unresponsive,...

  4. My Subscriber is Not Receiving my Newsletter

    If you recently added new subscribers, be aware that there is a lag time before they will be added...

  5. I see a Malformed Email Address Notice at the Top of my Newsletter Screen

    When someone (subscribing to your newsletter) enters their email address incorrectly, it will show up as a malformed email...

  6. Artful Mail Does Not Function Well on Internet Explorer

    If you use Internet Explorer as your browser and wish to use Artful Mail for a newsletter, when you...

  7. A subscriber marked my newsletter as spam. What's up?

    If one of your Email Newsletter subscribers marks your newsletter as spam (whether intentionally or by mistake), the subscriber...

  8. Role Account Email Addresses not Recommended

    Role accounts (info@, art@, support@, sales@, mail@ etc.) are email addresses that are not associated with a particular person...

  9. How to Share Newsletter on Facebook & Correct it Only Showing the URL

    Ideally, when you share your FASO Email Newsletter on Facebook (FB), it shows an image and excerpt.  Sometimes however,...

  10. Number of Subscribers and Sent Newsletters Allowed Per Month ~ Overage Charges

    Following are the number of email newsletter subscribers allowed, plus the total number of newsletters that can be sent...

  11. Why are my newsletters going to Spam or Junk folders?

    This is a complex question with a number of potential answers. There are many various factors that determine if...

  12. Newsletters will Not Send to Role Email Addresses

    If your newsletter is not going to all of your subscribers, you will want to check your Subscriber List...

  13. My Friend Shows as Unsubscribed Even Though They Did Not Unsubscribe

    The only automatic way someone can unsubscribe from your Artful Mail newsletter is by clicking on the Unsubscribe link...

  14. Can I edit or delete my sent newsletter?

    There is no way to edit a sent newsletter. It's just like email, once it's sent, it is a...

  15. Batch Uploaded Subscribers Showing as Deleted

    If you uploaded your newsletter subscribers as a Batch Upload and find that not all of the email addresses...

  16. There are Links in my Newsletter that I Did Not Create

    If you are seeing links in your newsletter test that you did not create, please understand that almost every...

  17. Newsletter Content Spreading Beyond Template Edges

    The most common cause of newsletter content expanding past the borders of the newsletter template is adding links and...

  18. Side by Side Content Blocks will View as Stacked on Mobile Phones

    Any newsletter draft content block that contains side by side content will display the content as stacked in amobile...

  19. An Image is Missing from a Newsletter in my Newsletter Archives

    All Sent Newsletters will be automatically isted in your Newsletter Archives, this url: yourdomainname.com/newsletter-archive If you notice an archived...

  20. Newsletter Text is Funky and too Large on iPhone

    If your sent newsletter looks great on your computer screen but the cell phone version is a mess with...

  21. Subscriber Removed due to Suspicion of being Malicious

    If you discover that a legitimate subscriber has been deleted by the newsletter software with this notice: it is...

  22. How do I edit the address that appears at the bottom of my sent newsletter?

    from FASO control panel click on Newsletter icon (upper row) click on Address (left menu bar) make your changes ...

  23. Images Not Showing in FASO Email Account

    When viewing a message in your FASO email that contains images, if you see the Images not  Displayed message...

  24. Known Issue - Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc. Letters / Characters

    We are aware of an encoding issue that turns Japanese, Korean, and Chinese letters into unreadable characters. This issue...

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